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"she doesn't even look like a dane"

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  • "she doesn't even look like a dane"

    I when to a local kennel club even over the weekend. While there, this lady comes up to me and tells me that she had seen Luna as a pup (the lady who watches Luna while I work is also in the kennel club) and she had to ask what kind of dog that was. That she looked nothing like a Great Dane. And that she was glad to see Luna's legs looking so much better b/c "she was soooo worried that her legs were permanatly damaged" But that even now "she doesn't look much like a Dane at all" and "gee she is really small for a Dane. Am I sure she is not a mix?" (BTW this lady claims her parents breed and showed Danes)

    Then at Rally practice on Sunday, I had two people (also kennel club) ask what kind of dog was Luna. When I said Great Dane, they were all like "oh wow, really, I wouldn't have guessed that.

    Now I know Luna is not show quality Dane, but I didn't think she looked THAT far off of the breed standard. But here are people who I would assume should know their dog breeds, and they think she looks nothing LIKE a dane.

    ok, be honest, if you saw her out in public, what would YOU think she was?


  • #2
    She looks Dane to me.. I wonder what they are seeing/not seeing?


    • #3
      A great dane. Some people equate Great Danes to fawns and that's all. They don't know the other colors exist. Just goes to show you how rude some people are.


      • #4
        Wow, really? Great Dane is all I see when I look at her.
        By the way ...... She is beautiful!
        Melissa ..... Proud Mom to:
        Tank - Fawn English Mastiff, 4.5 years old( &
        Daisy - Merle Great Dane, 2 years old(


        • #5
          I really really wouldnt worry about what other people say - even those that are supposed to know the difference - because people just dont have any idea. I cannot even tell you how many times I have to tell people that Logan is a Great Dane, and purebred not a mix. He LOOKS like a Great Dane and still people dont get it because they "didnt know they come in that color". Or I get wow he sure is small (or stocky) for a Dane when in reality he is within the standard for a male and people are just so used to seeing the poorly bred very tall skinny Danes. I imagine it happens to everyone - the brindles get pit bull or boxer, the blues get weimeraner, the harls get dalmation, the blacks get big lab...

          ETA: I see Great Dane but I know the difference between a Dane and a Weimeraner or lab and most people dont.
          Last edited by thisiscyndi; 03-29-2011, 10:09 AM.
          "I don’t care if a dog is 150 pounds or 10 pounds, and whether the issue is leash manners or biting visitors. There are no dogs who need a heavier hand—there are only trainers who need more knowledge and a lighter touch." Suzanne Clothier
          Rocky & Emma
          Follow our adventures at


          • #6
            No doubt about it....all dane to me So weird...


            • #7
              Her face is clearly dane! I could see how in comparison to the other dog in the picture she's small and people expect all danes to be huge. The fact she's blue makes many people assume a weimaraner as well.

              She's a gorgeous girl, don't let other's ignorance get to you
              Dane Hopeful!

              Stella- shepherd lab mix


              • #8
                Originally posted by CarolB View Post
                A great dane. Some people equate Great Danes to fawns and that's all. They don't know the other colors exist. Just goes to show you how rude some people are.
                So true my brindles are not great danes either.I would not let it bother you.


                • #9
                  Her first couple puppy pics are hard to distinguish - like someone said, sort of the odd color and Weimie looking.

                  However she NOW clearly looks like a Dane, no doubt about it!


                  • #10
                    It is because she is blue... Most people don't know they come in that colour. I get it all the time with Festus, most of the time I get oh I didn't realize they came in that colour.


                    • #11
                      Thanks guys! It doesn't bother me exactly. I love her no matter what she looks like. But I am just thinking to myself WHAT are they seeing that I am not? And I am by no means an expert on the breed standard. And here are "dog people" telling me she looks nothing like a dane..... I was like, am I missing something??


                      • #12
                        I definately just see a beautiful dane!


                        • #13
                          Yes and people still mistake cropped, 140 lb, 34 inch tall Milly as a dalmatian.
                          When she was a little pup, I used to understand this and then try and explain the differences. If I said no, then they thought she was a dal. mix.

                          My then 4 yr old started correcting people, which I got a kick out of. Now, sometimes I have fun with it. I once told a guy that was convinced she was a dalmation that she was the tallest one in the world. I told him that once her DNA came back confirming this we were going to be on the Oprah show and included in the Guinness book of world records...It took everything I had not to burst out laughing when he asked for a picture and autograph. Sometimes you just have to laugh at this. Ignorance is bliss.

                          Luna is a Dane and she is very pretty. Sometimes people just like to oush your buttons too.

                          ~Jeanne, Jason & Emily(6)-The Humans~
                          Milly-Harl GD,
                          Tank, Tigra Cougie & Jax-The Cat Crew


                          • #14
                            When I get that kind of comment from a dog person, I always ask them what their breed is. That can give you a better idea of what kind of misconceptions they may have.

                            When a comment comes from someone who claims their parents bred/showed Danes, I always smile and ask in happy tones "Oh! Wonderful! What was their kennel name??" 100 percent of the time, they start backtracking, can't remember the name, say there was no kennel name, they just had puppies, yada, yada.

                            As for "small", what is her age, height and weight?




                            • #15
                              Originally posted by mp View Post
                              When I get that kind of comment from a dog person, I always ask them what their breed is. That can give you a better idea of what kind of misconceptions they may have.

                              When a comment comes from someone who claims their parents bred/showed Danes, I always smile and ask in happy tones "Oh! Wonderful! What was their kennel name??" 100 percent of the time, they start backtracking, can't remember the name, say there was no kennel name, they just had puppies, yada, yada.

                              As for "small", what is her age, height and weight?


                              She is seven months, 26inches 80lbs (when she was last weighed three weeks ago)

