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A little educational fun maybe?

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  • A little educational fun maybe?

    I don't know if its just me, but there seem to be a lot of BYB threads lately and new members needing (and not always appreciating) advice.

    How about we do a collection of BYB "gems" that we've heard recently and why they're hogwash. I know this has been done before, but though it would be a good thing to revisit. Maybe if we keep it more fun than crabby the info might get through a little better?
    Oh, and keep them non-breeder specific.

    Here's my contributions for now:
    "We breed with proper confirmation and calm temperment as our primary goals."
    - I'm guessing if you can't spell confOrmation, you're probably not breeding it "properly" either.

    "All our dogs come from champion bloodlines."
    - And I'm distantly related to Heidi Klum though my mother's sister's uncle by marriage. Yet somehow when I don a bikini, its not quite the same effect as Heidi...
    (Champion bloodlines don't mean squat. Champion dam and sire is what you're looking for. HEALTHTESTED champion dam and sire.)

    "Our dogs can become therapy dogs."
    - This just cracks me up. "Can" become therapy dogs. Um... how about showing me some past pups who actually ARE therapy dogs. Not to mention my side-of-the-road-special MUTT is a therapy dog and while it does prove good temperament, doesn't say much for the rest of the breeding program, especially since its in the "can" department LOL!

    "AKC registered"
    - That's like saying the car even comes with a steering wheel. If this is a selling point, there is a LOT missing from the program...
    Until one has loved an animal, part of one's soul remains unawakened.
    - Anatole France

  • #2
    "We don't need to do health tests. Our dogs are healthy."
    Katie & Scarlett


    • #3
      Hmmm...ya got a couple of hours???????

      I've watched websites now for 10 years-truly amazes me that people would fall for some of the BS that's written on them.
      In Memory of Sky, EZ and Honor

      Visit Poke's Facebook Page

      Member of the GDC of MD.
      Well behaved danes are not born. They are “made” by responsible and caring dane owners.


      • #4
        Katie, you have to add the sarcastic comment to go with it!!
        Now I'm worried about you... Are you feeling okay? It was the perfect chance for sarcasm and wit and you just let it by. Are you having heat stroke dear?

        Here's a good one from a "designer dane" site:
        "it is the breeders right and privilege to choose which standards are most important"
        Its the standards buffet!! You pick and choose which ones to uphold, let others worry about the ones you don't. What a great way to end up with different dogs! Oh, wait... the point of breeding purebreds is to maintain the same type of dogs isn't it? *Thinking this hard hurts my head.*
        Until one has loved an animal, part of one's soul remains unawakened.
        - Anatole France


        • #5
          Originally posted by dolmod View Post
          Hmmm...ya got a couple of hours???????

          I've watched websites now for 10 years-truly amazes me that people would fall for some of the BS that's written on them.
          So share some of the funnier ones already!!
          Until one has loved an animal, part of one's soul remains unawakened.
          - Anatole France


          • #6
            One of my favorites

            If you are looking for a "Breed Standard" show quality Great Dane, your have come to the wrong site.
            a Dane is a Dane no matter what color, size or shape they may be. They will be there for you with unconditional love and respect no matter what! They will not judge us for our color, likewise we will not judge them for their color.


            • #7
              If you are looking for a "Breed Standard" show quality Great Dane, your have come to the wrong site.

              Thanks for the heads up there!
              Until one has loved an animal, part of one's soul remains unawakened.
              - Anatole France


              • #8
                Many folks have a difficult time with spelling, punctuation and even where to put capitals. I can't see how that correlates to being a bad breeder. I'm a fair speller and it bugs me when I see the way some people write, but it would be at the bottom of the list of deal-breakers for me when considering the purchase of a dog. The number and location of visible teeth in the breeder's head would give me pause before their spelling did, LOL.
                ~Patty~ I have the right to remain silent; I don't have the ability.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by empm View Post
                  Many folks have a difficult time with spelling, punctuation and even where to put capitals. I can't see how that correlates to being a bad breeder. I'm a fair speller and it bugs me when I see the way some people write, but it would be at the bottom of the list of deal-breakers for me when considering the purchase of a dog. The number and location of visible teeth in the breeder's head would give me pause before their spelling did, LOL.
                  I agree, and I'm a terrible speller myself (darned English has too many double and silent letters, then those Brits and Canadians mess me up with their added "u"'s )

                  BUT... If its important enough to you to put on a website as a selling point, it should (IMO) be important enough to you to make sure its spelled right. If you breed harls and can't spell harlequin, that just rubs me the wrong way. It shows lack of effort and attention to detail, two things I would NOT want in a breeder.
                  Until one has loved an animal, part of one's soul remains unawakened.
                  - Anatole France


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by ouesi View Post

                    Here's my contributions for now:
                    "We breed with proper confirmation and calm temperment as our primary goals."
                    - I'm guessing if you can't spell confOrmation, you're probably not breeding it "properly" either.

                    Probably shouldn't leave out that it should be temperAment.

                    Like Patti mentioned tho, have had my share of brain farts and keys either sticking or not registering the key strike. I know many people that are very talented, capable and speak well, yet can't spell to save their lives.

                    Conversely though, I also figure at some point with a website or contract, better than average effort should be put into getting it correct (even if it means hiring someone to do it).
                    Mrs Emery
                    AKC Canine Ambassador
                    Member GDCA - resource/referral
                    GOPDC - Public Education Coordinator


                    • #11
                      Oh, I have typos all the time.

                      However, if its something I am doing professionally (and I use that word loosely here....doesnt quite fit) I am going to make sure to proofread, spell check etc.


                      • #12
                        I am a horrible speller. My grammar is poor and I've been told I punctuate way too much. Notwithstanding, if one plans on putting up a professional "sales" website, one should take a moment to run the text content through a spell checker and have someone proofread.

                        Especially specific terms that apply to the profession you are in.
                        In Memory of Sky, EZ and Honor

                        Visit Poke's Facebook Page

                        Member of the GDC of MD.
                        Well behaved danes are not born. They are “made” by responsible and caring dane owners.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by ouesi View Post
                          (Champion bloodlines don't mean squat. Champion dam and sire is what you're looking for. HEALTHTESTED champion dam and sire.)
                          Champion Dam and Sire is much more common with fawn breeders so if you are looking at harlequins requiring both parents to be champions would greatly limit ones options, seems to me healthy,health tested parents are more important and that the breeder has champions and actively shows. People need to remember healthy goes beyond OFA health tests a breeder should be willing to discuss their dogs history of immune issues, allergy problems, genetic defects and if they guarantee against these things on a legally binding contract ect.
                          I would avoid anyone who is breeding and claims champion bloodlines but has yet to produce a champion and doesn't show. Most of the quotes I see in the posts below are from the breeder in Texas, that person treats dogs like they do their cattle. like a cash flow


                          • #14
                            Health tests are only needed on the sire and dam the rest of the line does not matter! I thought this one was pretty good!
                            Last edited by ROTTI2DAYNE; 08-06-2010, 02:10 PM.
                            Lindsay, proud owner of Rotts, Brody and Lucy, Danes, Duke and Indy, and a Jap Chin, Romeo


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by Harlequin Dane View Post
                              Probably shouldn't leave out that it should be temperAment.

                              Like Patti mentioned tho, have had my share of brain farts and keys either sticking or not registering the key strike. I know many people that are very talented, capable and speak well, yet can't spell to save their lives.

                              Conversely though, I also figure at some point with a website or contract, better than average effort should be put into getting it correct (even if it means hiring someone to do it).
                              LOL! I didn't even see that!
                              And I agree
                              Until one has loved an animal, part of one's soul remains unawakened.
                              - Anatole France

