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  • example NDR

    Ive read a ton of discussions on this forum about bybs and why to avoid them. Here is my recent experience with such a breeder which supports the many reasons why breeding should be left to the pros.
    The other day we recieved several calls from a client that had a new litter of 4 week old Shi-poms. She brings all of her dogs to us. All of her dogs are intact. She has 3 female Shih Tzus and one male Shih Tzu. Where she got a Pomeranian stud is not known. I assume she pimped out one of bitches to get some designer mutts. One of the pups was not wanting to nurse and she wanted us to give her some advice. She called us a total of five times throughout the day and we all advised her to bring in the pup. She didnt want to do that because she didnt have much money. So someone suggested she go and purchase some milk replacement and try bottle feeding. So what does she do? She force fed cows milk with a syringe until the milk was coming out of its nose. Then called us frantic because the pup was listless and having trouble breathing.
    She finally brought the pup in close to closing time. Euthanasia was the only option at this point. She didnt even have enough money for us to do that. So out of the kindness of our hearts we deeply discounted the euth so she wouldnt just bring the pup home to die on its own.
    I guess that will be one less check for her since she was planning on making 300 to 400 bucks per pup. I was pleasant to her, but I just couldnt muster up much sympathy. She has no business breeding dogs. But there are people out there that will pay alot of money for those pups on CL. They will know nothing about her incompetence. Buyer beware. Just one more reason to research your prospective breeder.