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?'s for anyone that has dealt with a dog with Cancer...

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  • ?'s for anyone that has dealt with a dog with Cancer...

    As most of you know, my lab, Summer, was dx'd with cancer last September. We decided not to treat her for it as we feared she wouldn not be able to take it, and we were only given a year if she did. She's still here, which amazes me... I didn't think she'd be.

    But, I'm starting to notice some very subtle changes in her. Demeanor, and physically. She's getting a bit bitchier, groaning when she gets up or lays down, and she's got some lumps that I've found just yesterday, so she'll be headed in to our Vet tomorrow or Wednesday. But she's also started urinating in the house, and this morning she in Camden's room. This is a dog who was housebroken in 2 weeks, and has NEVER had an accident in the house if she wasn't sick with a UTI.

    I'm scared. If you have dealt with a pup having cancer, and it isn't too difficult to post, could you please share your experience here or in a PM?

    I'm afraid that we are nearing the end with her, and my oldest is NOT going to take it very well...
    sigpicDane and Martini

  • #2
    This is hard to post as it is very fresh and near and dear to my heart.

    My childhood dog we just lost to cancer this past Friday night. She was diagnosed a few years ago, decided not to treat and just to spoil her rotten. We eventually had one of the tumors removed as it had grown and was at risk to her as it was surrounding blood supply to one of her legs, she made it through that surgery a few months back. Never was there a day where she wasn't happy. We all knew that it was coming close to her time. She started doing exactly what you said your lab is doing, small accidents in the house, moaning while getting up and down, couldn't do stairs anymore. We put her on pain meds to have her be comfortable, she still had the sparkle in her eye, as long as that sparkle was there she stayed with us. My mom came home from work and she was outside laying down, moaning and could not get up. It was her time then, rushed her to the vet to do the right thing. She is still my baby girl and will always be my baby girl.

    All I can say is that you will know when she is ready, she will tell you loud and clear. It is hard on everyone, people tell me time will heal, we'll see. I'll never forget her, I'm in tears now at work just typing this out. Whatever you do, if you need someone to talk to, I'm here. My girl just turned 14 in april.

    This photo was taken March 2011, my special girl Tippy.



    • #3
      We had a foster Kona that was diagnosed with osteosarcoma last April. The rescue didn't treat him other than pain management. His tumor got pretty big. We started out with one pain medication and added another. We were at the maximum dosages for both for a while. He also got "bitchier" as the pain increased. He never did like the other dogs much but had less tolerance for them as he got worse. He stopped eating kibble and we had him on raw. One day in September he gave me a look that said he just couldn't take it anymore. I brought him to the vet the next day. I had been asking myself every day leading up to that if it was time to let him go but it wasn't ever clear until then.
      Duds and Miles 5- and 6-year-old fawns, Smudge (terrier mix); Bobke, Fig, Olive, Albert (cats); Einstein (African Grey), Rocky (Amazon Parrot).
      RIP Willow 12/95 - 04/04, Maia 03/05 - 10/11, Maverick 11/07-10/14, Spencer 05/06-12/14
      Upper Midwest Great Dane Rescue Volunteer


      • #4
        My parents have lost two to cancer. Once they noticed it getting worse, it happened very fast. The pain increased, and then they did not want to move. It is a horrible evil disease, for animals and people alike. The first golden had a mass on his spleen that exploded during surgery. The second had skin cancer. Panting was a big sign that the end was near and it was time. I recall them both panting heavily, and drooling, and my mom not being able to watch them like that. The vet where they lived for the first one, came to their house so that they would not have to transport him. The second one they took in, and then Dave went and helped my dad bury him.

        My poodle had brain cancer, and he became very disoriented. He was just not "there" anymore. He was 17 and I did not even know he had cancer until I took him in to put down, and the vet discovered a tumor growing out of his skull into his head pom pom.

        Dana, I am so sorry you are going through this. Hugs!!
        Chris, Wife to Dave, and Mom three human teenagers.
        Also mom to Tori (11 yo Lab), , Ayla (2 yo brindle dane), Milo (2 yo boxer), Killian (4 week old iw pup who is still with his breeder and mommy) 3 kittens, 2 horses, multiple reptiles, 7 fainting goats, 25 chickens, and 2 pot bellied pigs, all of whom make life great!
        RIP CARLIE 2/09-2/11 & REILLY 10/4/08-11/20/12, best friends together forever now.



        • #5
          Thank you (all) so much for sharing your stories with me. Breezer is just not acting herself, she's still a crackhead, her tumor hasn't changed (the one on her leg) but she's slowing down, and the groaning thing, plus the new "lump" has me worried... I can clean or replace the carpet from the accidents, but I don't want my babygirl in any pain if I can help it...
          sigpicDane and Martini


          • #6
            We have a poll going on my Golden board right now to see what caused our dogs to pass. Sad, but we want to see just how many have died from cancer. It just started last night and as of about an hour ago there are 70 dogs so far and 50 have died of cancer...that doesn't even really say the whole story because I know of at least 16 Goldens that had cancer, including my Savanah but I could only vote once. So I have a lot of experience with hearing about how people have dealt with this terrible time.

            I have always said that I will try to stay ahead of the pain if Chance should ever be diagnosed. That's what most of the people on my Golden board do also. When my dad was in hospice, (cancer), his nurse said the exact same thing...stay ahead of the pain. Those words are forever etched in my brain.

            If I knew that Chance was in the slightest amount of pain after the meds were given and he was terminal, I will let him go. This is how I would handle it, everyone is different. You have to make that decision on what you feel your dog can handle. But for me, I won't hold on any longer for my sake, at that point it will be all about Chance.

            I let Savanah go while she was still under from her surgery. They could have brought her around so I could have said goodbye, but that would have been all about me and not her. So I let her go.

            Again, you have to do what is right for you and Breezer.

            Crappy, da*n disease...I hate it.
            Karen, Chance, Lucy and Savanah RB



            • #7
              i lost my female corgi to nasal cancer. beginning to end was a very short time. she started having bloody noses in june, 2 years ago and was gone by the end of july. it was an extremely rapid growing tumor and she became very uncomfortable after just a few weeks. pain meds were not effective. the day she got up and refused to eat, i knew it was time.

              i'm so sorry you have to go through this. it's so so sad.


              • #8
                Dane, im so sorry to hear Summer is having a hard time. Can u remind me what type of cancer she has? Sounds like it could be a sarcoma? I feel like I might be able to offer more if I knew what type she has. Hugs!
                Owned by:
                Dexter 8 year old GD, CGC
                CH xxx's Top Gear AKA Studebaker (Baker) 4 years
                Bagel 19 yr old Maine Coon
                Lox 11 yr old Russian Blue mix


                • #9
                  She's got a tumor on her back leg, right at what I guess would be the ankle (not the higher up knee joint, but the one that goes 'backward' to her foot) that has grown into the bone, I can't for the life of me find the paper that the oncologist gave me to give you the correct name of it. Her x-ray, I knew it was cancer even before the vet said anything, her bone looked like swiss cheese. Osteosarcoma is sticking in my head, and I THINK that is it, but so many things were mentioned that maybe I'm wrong...
                  sigpicDane and Martini


                  • #10
                    I keep trying to reply - then I find myself having such a hard time.... I lost my last one to cancer....she was amazing... I am so so sorry you are going through this... I will just stick to the facts - when the symptoms came, she was already completely filled with cancer and I only had her for 3 weeks after that... vomiting and lethargic - then the seizures came - then one day the seizures did not stop. I still have the kleenex with her tears when she said goodbye...


                    • #11
                      again, I appreciate you all sharing your stories with me, I know it is hard. I'm just trying to get an idea of what to expect, so I can prepare myself and help my daughters... so you all sharing what happened with your pups is a help...
                      sigpicDane and Martini


                      • #12
                        Im sorry. I know how hard it is. We had 2 with cancer growing up. Max, my last dog's sire (dobbie) had a tumor on the roof of his mouth. He went to Auburn and had it removed and then some short chemo and he lived several more years.

                        Katie Twotoes had osteosarcoma in her pelvis. She was born with 2 toes on her right rear leg so she had a small limp. When her cancer was discovered it was way late and she died shortly afterward.

                        They will definately let you know when its time. Just watch carefully.

                        Gray @ 5 yrs. Toby @ 4 1/2 months. Cooper @ 22 months. War Damn Eagle!

