So the Breeder let the pups go home, originally when I picked him out he was not suposed to come home until March 7th (8 weeks) but they called and said that they had all had their puppy shots and de-wormed. the few times that I went to visit they had a small child that was "mean" to the puppy, of course as a mother of 4 kids I recognized that this was in fact just playing with the puppy's however with lack of discipline from the parents he was on the verge of abusing the puppy's.
anyhow got him home we went shopping together and we are on our way to a happy and healthy puppy! he weighed 13.6 lbs and stood 12" at the withers!
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anyhow this afternoon, just finished eating and he took of to the back room (back door) but thought he was going for a toy, I heard him whimpering a little so I went to check it out and he was standing at the back door. I praised a lot and let him out he stepped off the patio and pottied!!! He is already telling me he has to go potty and when I miss the 'sign" he "TELLS" me verbally!!! I am so excited that we are potty trained in 6 days!!
We had his ears done March 25th and he came home Weds and is doing well! this is my first copping so only reading the cropping procedures and the aftercare and things, I felt fairly confident that I was able t commit and keep up with the care that is required. Last night was a little rough due to being the first day home hes sore and mom was hyper vigilant and nervous... but he is acting like his normal, playful puppy self!