Last week, some guy on a motorcycle rode by me and Scarlett while we were on our walk. I saw him circle around, and ride back towards us. He stopped on the other side of the road and asked, "Is she scared of my bike?" I looked at Scarlett and she wasn't even paying attention to the fact that the guy was there. Stupidly, I said "She seems fine to me," without realising that what the guy was actually asking was if he could come pet Scarlett and if she would be scared of the bike. Of course, before I realise what's happening, he putts over on his bike and I instinctively pulled back on the leash (stupid, stupid, stupid me) and then Scarlett goes on the alert and starts barking at this dude. The guy said "I used to have a big black dane!" and then mercifully rode off without trying to engage her further.

I so know what I did wrong in that situation, but it did get me thinking about a pattern with Scarlett. She (or perhaps I) seems to have a "safe" zone of about ten feet. I've noticed that if we stand in one spot and talk to people who are about ten feet away, she's totally fine. I need to start using these situations so that instead of letting her sniff the ground or look around while I chat, I get her to sit beside me politely and become more part of the situation.

I still harbour a lot of anxieties as well and I know I need to get over them so that we can make some REAL progress. I need to remember to seize the moment because when the moment's gone, it's gone, and I know it's holding us back a bit.

Our trainer suggested the next step of our training which is for Guy and I to walk Scarlett together. One of us holds the leash while the other goes up to passersby and asks them to throw treats as they walk past Scarlett. I know we can use this ten foot "buffer zone" to our advantage, and slowly close the gap. Ten feet is actually pretty good! We'll try that and will keep you posted.