My 155 male fawn bloated two Sundays ago. It was really scary. He had been having gassy stomach on and off for a few months. He had an unexplainable rash that after a gatropexy is an unidentified food allergy. We are going to have him tested after he recovers. This was his problem all along.
I had been feeding him the Costco Kirkland brand rice and lamb dry and wet food. Since his surgery he has been off the dry and the rash has cleared up entirely. Right now he is gettting only the wet with some mix-ins. The vet is recommending fish and potatoe as the next best hypo-allergenic diet.
Question: Would anyone have any idea what the difference between dry and wet lamb and rice would be that would make such a difference?
Question: What foods do you recommend for a sensitive stomach?
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dry food takes longer to digest b/c it requires more steps to chemically break down proteins that are dehydrated. Also in order for any nutrient to enter the cell it has to have water or salt from a cell phys stand point. So perhaps, you create a more anerobic environment (less oxygen b/c no H2O) The natural gut bacterial are able to process the food through glycolosis rather than the ETC like animal cells require. Those bacteria such as e. coli produce gas as a way to get rid of their wastes. So when more is digestion done by bacteria there is more gas.. If the animal cell has more steps to process the food then the bacteria has more time to do it with out oxygen